The Introduction of Superalloy

The Introduction of Superalloy
  • 26th January 2024
  • admin

The Introduction of Superalloy

Superalloy or high-performance alloy refers to the high-alloying metal material that can bear complicated stress under the high-temperature condition of over 600℃ and possesses good surface stability. It is mainly applied in the field of engines, including aero-engines, rocket engines and various industrial-used gas turbine engines. Based on the statistics of Roskill, the Superalloy occupies 55% in the aerospace field and 20% in the electric field. All in all, the Superalloy shares a broad prospect.

Classification Standard




Main Elements

Fe-based Superalloy

Working at the temperature from 600℃ to 850℃

Mainly applied in the low-temperature part of engines, such as aero-engines, industrial gas-fired turbine disks, receivers and some fasteners

Ni-based Superalloy

Working at the temperature from 650℃ to 1000℃

Suitable for aero-engines turbine blades, guide vanes, turbine disks, combuster and more

Co-based Superalloy

Working at the temperature from 730℃ to 1100℃; having excellent mechanical behavior and toughness but more expensive due to the rareness of cobalt

Guide vanes

Manufacturing Techniques

Deformed Superalloy

Processed with cold or hot deformation; with awesome mechanical behavior and toughness; with good characteristics of resistance to oxidation and corrosion; working at the temperature from -253℃ to 1320℃

One is the combuster of aero-engines, guide vanes and more, the other is aero-engines turbine disks and blades and more

Cast Superalloy

Directly produce parts by casting; working at the temperature from 1300℃ to 1500℃

Mainly applied in aero-engines, turbine blades, guide vane, turbocharger, turbine receivers, exhaust nozzle control and more

Powder Superalloy

with small crystal grains and evenly organized elements; improve precipitation and performances of hot working, which can transfer the hard-to-deformed casting superalloy into deformed superalloy with powder method to improve its thermoplasticity

Aero-engine turbine disks, spring-ring and more

Reinforcement Methods

Solid Solution Strengthening Superalloy

premium performance of resistance to oxidation, plasticity, formability and high-temperature strength

mainly used for parts with high ambient temperature but low stress, such as combustor and more

Precipitation Hardening Superalloy

Possess high-temperature strength, creep resistance and more

mainly suitable for parts bearing high loads and medium or high temperature, such as turbine blades, turbine disks, and more